long island massageMost massage therapists have seen the effects of fibromyalgia in some of their clients. People suffering from FM often seek out alternative methods such as massage therapy for lasting pain relief. Massage therapists can focus on the locations where there is a high concentration of pain. The persistence of low grade pain strains the nervous system and decreases the serotonin levels in the body. The result of this is depression, anxiety, and fatigue. With a treatment at Bod N Balance, you can restore your serotonin levels and decrease your pain.


Massage therapy in Fibromyalgia patients is known to:

–  reduce pain

–  improve health status

–  decrease stiffness

–  decrease fatigue, anxiety, and depression

–  decrease cortisol levels (stress hormone)

–  increase sleep hours and quality of sleep

–  reduce tender points

–  improve overall quality of life


Massage and other body treatments at Body-N-Balance in Wantagh, Long Island is the perfect way to bring yourself to have and maintain good health. The meditative state that comes with spa treatments is a great way to heighten your awareness of living in the present moment. Massage will bring emotional and spiritual balance, while giving you true relaxation and inner peace. When you treat yourself at our spa you will be on your way to getting your life back. The healing effects of massage therapy are boundless with regular treatment.


massage treatment long island