Spa Treatments In Wantagh Long Island

By bodyNBalance,

More relaxation is something that we can all use in our lives. At Body N Balance located in Wantagh, Long Island we are grateful to provide an atmosphere where people can relax and rejuvenate. Our goal is not only to help you with relaxation, but also to help with the healing process. We believe that true healing comes from within the body, mind and spirit. We will work with you to heal your spirit within a calm, relaxing, meditative atmosphere. Everybody deserves a chance to break away from the daily stresses of life. Our spa treatments at Body N Balance on Long Island are sure to help you relax, rejuvenate, and heal.


We have a wide range of services to offer you, in which you can heal your mind and body. Of course we offer massage therapy and body treatments but we also offer Reiki Energy Healing. Reiki and energy balancing helps in the process of healing your body but your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well. We use the Usui method of Reiki Healing which is working with the universal life force to asset in the healing process of the physical body. It helps to enhance relaxation and self awareness as it quits and nourishes your spirit. A Reiki healing session at Body N Balance is $75. Another relaxing treatment we offer is an Aromatherapy Body Wrap. We use special aromatherapy oils that are specifically designed to promote healing. While in the body wrap, you will sweat out the toxins and release negativity. An Aromatherapy Body Wrap treatment at Body N Balance is $75.


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The Consequences Of Stress Relieved Through Massage

By bodyNBalance,

It is estimated that 80-90% of diseases are stress-related. Massage and other bodywork is there to combat the effects of stress on the mind and body. Not only are massages revitalizing, but they bring positive effects to your physical body. Many areas of your life can be affected positively with decreased anxiety. Massage will lower blood pressure, increases circulation, improves recovery from injury, helps sleep patterns and will increase concentration. With a reduction of stress and fatigue, you will have more mental energy to handle stressful life situations.


massageMassage and other body treatments at Body-N-Balance in Wantagh, Long Island is the perfect way to bring yourself to have and maintain good health. The meditative state that comes with spa treatments is a great way to heighten your awareness of living in the present moment. Massage will bring emotional and spiritual balance, while giving you true relaxation and inner peace.


As humans in modern society, we are deprived of touch and this can lead to disease and emotional dysfunction. Tactile stimulation brings about the feeling of emotional assurance, well-being, and security. When you come to Body-N-Balance for a massage, body wrap, or facial you will receive the healing benefits of caring touch and soothing body treatments.

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Move Past The Pain With Massage

By bodyNBalance,

It is astounding how many people walk around with chronic pains. At Body N Balance, it is our privilege to help people understand and relieve their chronic pain through massage treatments. People suffer from pains associated with old injuries, surgeries, and common stiffness and ailments. Receiving a massage treatment from our spa in Wantagh, Long Island can help relieve the pains while promoting healing.


In addition to physical ailments and injuries, emotional energy can add to the physical pain. Elements such as stress, depression, and anxiety can greatly increase the physical pain we feel on a daily basis. Our spa treatments such as Aromatherapy and Reiki healing can greatly reduce stress and ease the ailments of the mind. Receiving a massage treatment such as a Swedish massage or Deep Tissue massage can not only relieve and heal the body physically, but relieve negative emotional energy.


massage treatment

When you treat yourself to a massage therapy treatment, you will be on your way to getting your life back. You will be able to devote more time to the things you love when you no longer have to adjust your activities according to your pain. The oils that we use not only benefit the skin and muscles, but also ease the mind. The benefits of regular massage treatments are boundless. Come to our Wantagh location and see what benefits are in store for you.

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Massage Therapy: Brief History

By bodyNBalance,

During the middle part of the 19th century, massage therapy became popular in the United States. It was introduced by two New York physicians based on Per Henrik Ling’s techniques developed in Sweden. During the 1930s and 1940s massage’s influence decreased as a result of medical advancements of the time, such as operations and medicine. During the 1970’s, massage’s influence grew once again, mostly due to the popularity amongst athletes. Massage was used up until the 1960s and 1970s by nurses to help ease patients’ pain and help them sleep.


massage therapyAt Body N Balance located in Wantagh, Long Island we offer a variety of different healing massage therapy treatments. We offer Swedish, Deep Tissue and other specialty massages. The Swedish massage is great for relaxation and to improve circulation. Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber) and vibration/shaking. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee over a period of eight weeks. The development of Swedish massage is often inaccurately credited to Per Henrik Ling, though the Dutch practitioner Johan Georg Mezger adopted the French names to denote the basic strokes. The term “Swedish” massage is actually only recognized in English and Dutch speaking countries, and in Hungary. Elsewhere (including Sweden) the style is referred to as “classic massage”.


If you need to break away from the every day stresses of life, come on down to Body N Balance to relax at our spa! We also offer facials and body treatments that can help you relax. Relaxation is great for the healing of the body inside and out.

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The Rap On Body Wraps: Does It Work?

By bodyNBalance,

At Body N Balance located in Wantagh, Long Island we offer a Cellulite Seaweed Body Wrap, Seaweed Body Wrap, and an Aromatherapy Body Wrap. These treatments are meant to ease and soothe the mind, body, and spirit. They are also great in promoting inch loss and reduction of cellulite! Here are some frequently asked questions we get regarding our Body Wrap treatments:


What is a body wrap?

It is an advanced tightening treatment that uses natural ingredients to draw out toxins and tighten skin.


Is this just temporary water loss?

No! This is the most common question we hear! The natural ingredients we use provides toning, firming, and detoxifying result. This results in inch loss in the wrapped areas. This is not a weight loss treatment, but you will lose inches in the treated areas.


How long does it last?

The body will begin to re-toxify in 30-60 days. If you maintain your weight and exercise program, your wrap results should last for 6-12 months. Avoiding fried foods, alcohol, caffeine, salt, sugar and other toxic foods in excess will help delay the re-toxifying process.


How many inches will I lose?

This depends on a lot of factors but you will definitely see firming, tightening, and cellulite reduction.


How often can I get a body wrap?

You can do the treatment as many times as you wish! It is a safe and effective process. If you are losing weight, a continuing series will tighten skin to compliment your new shape. Many people are happy after one treatment. Others will have a body wrap treatment once or more every month.


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Facials For Skin Wellness

By bodyNBalance,

Your face is the first thing a person will notice about you. It is a direct indication of your everyday lifestyle. Let’s face it, our skin sometimes seems dull and tired. However we do not want the world around us to see us as dull or tired, even if we are! Receiving facials from Body N Balance in Wantagh, Long Island is the best way to improve your skin’s health and keep it looking better, tighter, and younger. Licensed esthetician Marsha Eisen provides various facials that are sure to awaken and rejuvenate your skin.


Facial treatments we offer:


–   European Deep Pore Cleansing Facial: This is a one-hour treatment that includes skin analysis, cleansing, toning, steam, and deep exfoliation to clean out debris from the skin. This also includes massage of the face, neck, arms, and hands.


–   Anti-Aging Facial: This is a very hydrating treatment for mature skin. This deep pore cleanse treats fine lines and wrinkles. We use a super firming cream and ultra sonic massage to penetrate the products deeper.


–   Men’s Facial: Deep pore cleansing facial with deep exfoliation. This soothes irritation due to shaving. Includes massage of the face, neck, hands and arms.


–   Mini Facial: This is a 30 minute facial for when you want to clean up your skin on the go!


–   Acne Treatment with High Frequency: This is specifically designed for people with oily skin who have breakouts of blackheads, whiteheads, or cystic acne. The high frequency machine is used to disinfect and stimulate the infected area to aid in healing of the skin.


–   Vitamin C Facial: Revitalizes and mineralizes the skin.


–   Back Facial: Great for those who have back breakouts. This cleanses and tones the skin. Very soothing and relaxing and includes a 20 minute back massage.



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More Than Skin Deep: Benefits Of Massage

By bodyNBalance,

Current research is just beginning to prove what our massage clients already know about their massage treatments at Body N Balance. Massage therapy can help ease and prevent common illnesses and ailments that are commonly treated with prescription drugs, surgery, or other hospital treatments. Some of the benefits of massage include the release of endorphins, release muscle tightness, relief of aches and pains, decreased stress and anxiety and the improvement of circulation and flexibility. These effects have been experienced by people who receive treatments and we see these results at our spa located in Wantagh, Long Island.


benefits of massage Hard facts were discovered when researchers from the National Institute of Health conducted a study at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. In this study, one group of adults were given a deep tissue massage and another group was given a light massage, both lasting 45 minutes. All the subjects had blood drawn directly before,  immediately following, and an hour after the treatments. The researchers were surprised to discover that a single session of massage caused biological changes!


The people who received the Swedish massage experienced significant decreases in levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and in arginine vasopressin (hormone that stimulates cortisol production). There was also a significant increase in the number of white blood cells, which are a vital part of the immune system.


The people who received the light massage also had biological changes. They had a greater increase of oxytocin (hormone associated with contentment). They also had a decrease in adrenal corticotropin hormone, which stimulates the release of cortisol.


Massage therapy has long been known to help the body natural heal itself. For people who experience massage on a regular basis or even after just one treatment, they understand the benefits of massage. Scientific study is just beginning to verify what we in the massage therapy field have known all along. And we couldn’t be more grateful!

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Cancer Patients Find Relief

By bodyNBalance,

The benefit of massage cannot always be measured precisely, though patients can feel a deep sense of well being and the sensation of being cared for. When your body is fighting against disease, stress, and trauma, your quality of life can greatly suffer. The battle with cancer can be extremely daunting. Cancer patients endure the difficulty and uncertainty of treatment and recovery. The treatments for cancer is also known to increase pain and discomfort, which leads to the greater need for more medication. Due to the nature of the disease, some patients are thought to be too fragile for massage therapy. However massage therapy can be beneficial to all patients at any stage of the diagnosis. A responsible massage therapist such as Marsha Eisen of Body N Balance will be aware and take into account each patients specific conditions and treatments.


Some massage therapy benefits for cancer patients:


–  Relieves insomnia, nausea, and depression, which decreases the need for additional medication


–  Provide a sense of calm and wellbeing, which can improve outlook and keep spirits up


–  Ease the effects of cancer pain, reducing the need for added pain medication


–  Reduce the non-cancer related pains such as headache, backache, and arthritis


–  Stimulates the nerve endings in the skin, releases endorphins and inhibits stress hormones


–  Relieve stiffness, increase mobility, rehabilitate injured muscles, and break up scar tissue from surgery and other treatment


–  Improved immune function and increase NK cell number (natural killer cells)



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Couples Massage To Embrace Love

By bodyNBalance,

At Body N Balance Massage Therapy, our goal is to provide an atmosphere that promotes the healing of the body and mind from the inside out. We offer a variety of different body treatments and services that will accommodate every guest. We offer facial treatments that accommodate males, females, people of all ages and target different areas of the body. We offer different types of massages that are designed to help heal different issues that you may have or to just simply relax you after a stressful day or week. One of our favorite treatments that we offer is the couples massage.


There are many reasons why couples want the couples massage package. Whether you have lost intimacy in your relationship, you’ve been married around, have kids, work a lot, have to take care of the family, you and your partner can benefit from a couples massage! Receiving a couples massage can help you reconnect with your parter and get the love and passion back into your relationship that was once lost. Some couples receive a couples massage not because they have lost intimacy but just because they want to deepen their connection that they have to each other and the universe. At Body N Balance we will show you the healing art of massage and how it may help you in your everyday life. You and your partners love is worth saving, embracing and deepening. A couples massage can be a fantastic escape for you and your significant other. You and your loved one deserve a break away from the daily stresses of life. Come on down to Body N Balance and find relaxation with your loved one.


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Happy 4th Of July: Massage For The Military

By bodyNBalance,


The 4th is rapidly approaching and most people are preparing their food and backyards for a celebratory event for friends and family. However, the 4th isn’t just about barbecue and fire works. Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, which freed us from the colonization of Great Britain. This National Day has come to have us care for and appreciate the military personnel in our lives and our community. What better way to show we care than treating the military personnel in our lives to a massage!

massage for the military

Massage therapy is known to heal and relieve common ailments, but has also proven to be very helpful in treating the common emotional and physical injuries incurred by being in the military. Despite advances in modern warfare and warfare recovery, the injuries suffered in combat are constant. A study was conducted on the soldiers who were evacuated during one year of the Operation Iraqi Freedom. 53% of the soldiers suffering from non-combat injuries we complaining of low back pain, most of which were attributed to herniated disks. The other 47% were from various pains in places such as the arms, legs, groin, or stomach that were mostly musculoskeletal in nature. Massage therapy can be utilized to ease the pain of the injuries suffered from being in active duty. There are many medical and traditional Western treatments for post-war recovery. Adding massage therapy into your routine will give you the extra bit of relief and stress reduction to help you get back to your life here in New York



During military service there are many types of trauma incurred, ranging from lack of sleep to other more severe traumas that most people wouldn’t ever see in a lifetime. A Body N Balance Healing located in Wantagh, Long Island we are available to help treat any of the physical manifestations, as well as the emotional and physical injuries you may have incurred.


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