Posture – Sitting At Your Desk All Day

By bodyNBalance,

Let’s face it, if our job demands that we sit all day at work then we will want a comfortable chair. A nice cushy leather chair sounds pretty good right? Well, it may not be the best thing for you you or your back. Many a study prove that sitting for long periods of time may very well have long term effects on your spine.


common posture problemsYour muscles tend to bunch and cramp from long hours of searching the internet for the latest, greatest cat video or if you actually work then the affect is the same. Long hours at sitting at your desk can actually cause hunching of the back.  Sitting hunched over a computer screen forces chest muscles to tighten, which can cause excessive curvature (kyphosis) of the upper back (thoracic spine). Postural muscles in the upper back weaken and loosen.
Another problem is something called Forward Head.  This is when your ear lobes extends passed your AC Joint and again can be caused by sitting hunched at your desk all day long.
Forward Head PostureBut alas, there is good news! Since we don’t want to look like Quasimodo at the end of the fiscal year there are certain things we can do to prevent that. First, a regular Deep Tissue Massage from Body N Balance Healing From Wantagh Long Island is a great way to relax your muscles. Or their excellent Swedish Massage to get the blood pumping again.
Some other great ways to fix your posture would be to get up every couple of hours from your desk and take a walk around the office (maybe stop at the water cooler and talk about last night’s American Idol with some co-workers ).  Also, be sure to stretch regularly, its great for the muscles. Look into standing desks or ergonomic office chairs to help as well.  Either way, sitting for long periods of time has long-term affects but they aren’t incurable so stay conscious.  



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Sit Up Straight! Massage For Posture

By bodyNBalance,

Whatever postural problem you may have, it may be having more affects on your body than you realize. The soft tissue of the body is inter-connected, which means that one area of the body can affect the next. Even the most subtle of muscle tension can twist the surrounding area and throw your body out of alignment. This leads to pain, tension, and probably visible structural issues such as a hunched back or rounded shoulders. Not only does poor posture look bad, but it also forces muscles to work incredibly hard while others get weaker. Slouching can also affect the internal organs by pressing on them and slowing digestion.


Being aware of the factors contributing to postural imbalances are an important part of correcting your overall wellness. how you sleep, how you sit at work, or how you hold your position during recreational activities can all contribute to poor posture. Going about your days with out stretching the body or paying attention to areas that cause you trouble can just build upon poor posture and body pains. If you imagine your body to be a building, you can think about how each component contributes to the framework. Think of your feet and legs as framework, and so on. If a building loses stability or the walls are holding too much stress and cracking, the building will begin to shift and crumble. When it comes to the human anatomy, one thing affects another- so your neck or shoulder pain could actually be a result of your hips being out of alignment.


Once you are aware of your posture and begin to shift the way you hold yourself throughout the day, you can begin the process of healing. A massage from Body N Balance Healing of Wantagh Long Island can be the next step towards healthy posture. Massage therapy treatment feels wonderful but the benefits go well beyond relaxation and temporary relief. Massage therapy will help put the tissue and muscles of the body back where they belong. Massage brings space to the joints that have been compressed and are causing pain and pulling on surrounding bones and muscle. A massage at Body N Balance of Long Island will also help to reach the trigger points that are hard to get to, such a under the shoulder blades. The most important benefit of seeking out a massage treatment is helping to break the chronic tension habits that we subconsciously fall into everyday.


Here are some quick tips on how to improve your posture today:


–  Stop Thinking About Your Shoulders: Instead of focusing on your shoulder position, focus on keeping your chest up and open. Your body will look better and be more comfortable in the long run. This simple change can also help you breathe and digest better.


–  Activate Your Abs: Use your core to support your chest while allowing your arms and shoulders to relax in the right position. This practice is great for both sitting stagnant at work and while moving or working out.


–  Stretch Your Arms And Pecs: Stretch your arms in every direction. Do what feels good! This simple practice will help with neck and shoulder tension.


improve posture with massage

These are just the beginning to improving your posture. It takes listening to our bodies and diligence to address these old habits. The more our clients are aware and helping their bodies in their daily lives, the more a massage can benefit their permanently improved posture. With ongoing massage therapy treatments from Body N Balance, your muscles will be loosened, your joints will be relaxed and you’ll have greater freedom of movement. Unlike other bad habits, repairing posture can be relaxing to address through a massage.

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Self Massage: Become Your Own Therapist

By bodyNBalance,

Professional massages at a spa can’t be beat! It’s a terrific experience that you can get a taste of anytime you want with your own hands. Self massage can be just the thing to prepare you or help you recover from the day, a work out, or a stressful event. Daily muscle massages help strengthen your body and stimulate the circulation.


Time of Day Massages


Early Morning: What is the first thing your cat or dog does when waking up? Stretch! This loosens up tightness in the body and shakes of stress. In the morning do some light stretches followed by some gentle thumping on the outside of your body. Start with your legs and arms, moving from top to bottom and the inwards towards your torso.


Before a Workout: Massage before stretching, card or lifting increases blood flow to the muscles. Use a pummeling motion to bring blood flow to the arm and leg muscles. Massaging and squeezing muscles breaks up scar tissue, limiting chance of injury.


After a Workout: Massage your muscles using your palm, fist, or elbows. This encourages waste removal and speeds your recovery time.



Trouble Areas


Feet feeling tense? Try standing with one hand on a wall for support and place the arch of the foot on top of a tennis ball. Gradually add more of your weight to it and begin to roll to massage the bottom of your foot. You can also use your hands and fingers by digging into the soles of your feet in a circular motion with your hands and thumbs.


Sore lower back? This is a common complaint with the average adult. Whether from activities or sitting at a desk, this area in particular seems to be troubling. Use a foam roller, a rolled up blanket, towel, or yoga mat by placing it on the floor and laying face up over it. Lay perpendicular to the roller with it positioned under your lower back so that your shoulders and butt are touching the floor.


Stiff neck and shoulders? This is a common place where people hold their stress. This results in chronic headaches, which can be a huge damper on your daily activities. Use your left hand to stroke your left shoulder and the left side of your neck, and vice versa. Using small circles, start at the base of your skull and work towards your shoulders. When you catch a knot, work it out in small, firm circles with your fingers.


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Myofascial Release Therapy

By bodyNBalance,

Myofascial release is a therapy technique used by massage therapists that focuses on the pain to come from myofascial tissues. These are the tough membranes that wrap, connect and support your muscles. The pain that comes from myofascial tissue is different than regular pains because it originates from trigger points. Trigger points are stiff, anchored areas within the mofascia and its pain is difficult to localize.


myofascial-release-treatment-massage-long-islandMassage therapists can locate the myofascial areas because they feel stiff and fixed instead of elastic and movable under pressure. These areas are difficult to locate because they are often not found near the source of the pain. Trigger points are an annoyance not only because of the pain they cause, but also because they restrict muscle and joint movements. When a massage therapist is performing a swedish massage or deep tissue massage they will apply focus manual pressure and stretching in order to perform mysofascial release therapy. This will loosen up restricted movement and reduce pains. Many studies have shown that these techniques and other treatments can work well for chronic back pain.


Massage and myofascial release therapy is thought to treat chronic back pain. At Body N Balance, located in Wantagh, Long Island you will experience release of those areas that hold stress and create pain throughout the body.


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The Touch Of Compassion

By bodyNBalance,

As the baby boomer generation continues to age, the number of seniors is growing steadily. The National Center for Health Statistics has projected the population of those 65 and older to jump from its current 12.9% to 19.6% by 2030. With this generation aging and living longer than generations before, it is important to consider how we care for the seniors in our society. Research shows that massage has a great deal to offer to seniors who are dealing with aches and pains due to aging and injuries that need some help healing. For seniors dealing with Alzheimer’s, massage is low-risk and low-cost form of intervention to reduce stress.


Although seniors are prone to things such as hypersensitivity and bruising, this does not mean they are as frail as we may think. Stretching and kneading can relieve pains that keep elders up at night. The simple touch of a massage provides connection and reassurance that sends a relaxation response throughout the body. A massage for seniors is something they can look forward to every week. It provides personal attention that does not result in another prescription or added stress. The benefits of a regular massage can bring about lasting effects that promote overall wellness.


Massage performed on seniors can:

–   Reduce stress

–   Promote relaxation

–   Decrease fear and anxiety

–   Stimulate bowels

–   Lower blood pressure

–   Decrease isolation

–   Reduces swelling and edema

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7 Health Benefits Of Reiki

By bodyNBalance,

A reiki treatment works on many levels of your beings. Treatments can enhance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Reiki is one of the oldest healing treatments and it is the most versatile. At Body N Balance in Wantagh, New York, we perform Reiki treatments to aid in the healing of the body, enhance relaxation, and nourish the spirit.


Here are 7 Health Benefits Of Reiki:


1-   One of the best benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. This triggers the body’s natural immune system, aids in sleep and improves health.


2-    Valuable tool in the quest for spiritual growth  by bringing about inner peace and harmony.


3-   Reiki balances the mind and emotions. Regular treatments can can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being and the ability to deal with everyday stress better


4-   Brings relief during emotional distress and sorrow.


5-   Helps to relieve pain from migraine, arthritis, sciatica and other physical ailments


6-   Treatments can speed up healing form surgery and long term illnesses


7-   Prevention of illnesses by helping to maintain a state of physical and emotional balance.



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Benefits Of A Prenatal Massage

By bodyNBalance,

Prenatal massages share many of the same benefits of any other massage. However a woman’s rapidly changing body during pregnancy can benefit greatly from a massage. At Body N Balance of Wantagh, Long Island, we are grateful to help you reduce stress and promote overall wellness during your pregnancy.


Some of the benefits of prenatal massage includes:


–  Headache relief


–  Relax muscle tension


–  Reduce Fatigue


–  Relieve leg cramps


–  Swelling reduction


–  Sleep enhancement


Carrying a child changes your center of gravity. This puts stress on your neck, back, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Hormone levels are altered during pregnancy as well, leading to changes in emotional stress. Part of the benefits of a prenatal massage includes dealing with these changes to your body, mind and spirit. Massage therapy naturally helps to achieve muscle relaxation as well as mood regulation.


Most women these days are also working up until the very last minute before their maternity leave. This can add extra pressure on the sciatic nerve. Most pregnant woman are already experiencing sciatic nerve pain, which radiates through the pelvis, lower back, and legs. This strain can lead to further problems such as poor circulation and excess swelling. A simple prenatal massage is a good way to work out the kinks of sitting at a desk or  walking around while pregnant.


Women who are out of their first trimester and have a normal, low-risk pregnancy can receive the overall benefits of prenatal massage from Body N Balance.


prenatal massage

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What To Expect – Massage Therapy

By bodyNBalance,

When wondering what to expect from a massage therapy session, the most obvious answer is “to feel fantastic.” However for some, they may have never experienced the relaxation of a spa massage treatment and have some questions on what they can expect. At Body N Balance located in Wantagh, NY we look forward to hearing from you and answering all your questions about massage therapy. Massage treatments are our specialty and we enjoy helping people to heal and grow from the inside out.


–  A typical session lasts 40-90 minutes

–  A massage therapy session will start with a brief consultation and a review of symptoms, previous history, and lifestyle

–  You will be asked to undress while the therapist is out of the room. Most leave just their underwear on, but you are encouraged to do what you are comfortable with

–  When the therapist enters after knocking, she will make sure you are positioned correctly and are comfortable

–  We use light oil and lotions on the skin during the massage

–  You will be under a sheet the whole time and only the body part that is being treated will be uncovered at a time

–  After the massage, the massage therapist will exit the room so you can get up and get dressed

–  Take your time getting up because you may feel lightheaded or dizzy if you get up so quick

Click Here for a List of Massage Treatments
from Body N Balance Healing!

massage therapy new york

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Massage Therapy Long Island

By bodyNBalance,

If you are looking for the best massage therapy on Long Island, then you need Body N Balance! We are located in Wantagh, NY and are grateful to provide you with a calming atmosphere for you to relax and rejuvenate in. Massage heals the body, mind and spirit. When you come into our Long Island spa, you are sure to leave feeling less stressed and ready for the rest of your week.


What is Massage Therapy?


Massage therapy improves circulation and brings oxygen and nutrients into the tissues of the body. A massage therapist will use long smooth strokes, kneading, and other movements that focus on the layers of muscles using massage oil or lotion. It relieves muscle tension and pain. Massage therapy also increases flexibility and mobility.


Why do people receive Massage Therapy?


There are many reasons why people receive regular treatments. Most common is back pain by the everyday stresses of life. It also relieves inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendinitis. Massage treatments can also ease headaches and migraines as well as circulatory and respiratory problems.


At Body N Balance of Wantagh, Long Island, we offer various massage therapy treatments. Whether you are an athlete or sit at a computer all day, we are sure to have a massage treatment to heal you.

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Aromatherapy For Relief Of Aches

By bodyNBalance,

There are many essential oils that are extracted from plants and flowers that are used during massage treatments and other body work. This is because these essential oils have powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and detoxifying properties. It is these properties that make aromatherapy treatments so effective. Aromatherapy treatments can relieve the pain of muscle spasms and inflammation from injuries and common ailments. Joint and muscle pains can also be eased with the healing properties of essential oils. Some of the best essential oils with pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties are lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, and chamomile. Some oils even create a soothing warming effect such as juniper and black pepper.


At Body N Balance located in Wantagh, New York, we know how important essential oils are to a good body treatment. We offer an Aromatherapy Massage where an assortment of oils are used at your choice. The scent in the room and on your skin will help calm the mind so the body can follow. It is a great relaxing and calming massage. We also offer an Aromatherapy Body Wrap. Aromatherapy oils are used specifically to promote healing the mind, body, and spirit. While in the body wrap, you will sweat out toxins and aid in inch loss.


When you come to Body N Balance for a healing aromatherapy treatment, you are sure to leave our Long Island spa with a smile! We are dedicated to your well being and healing. Come in today for an aromatherapy treatment to relieve the stresses of the day and better prepare you for tomorrow.



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