Get Dad A Massage For Father’s Day

By bodyNBalance,

Fathers day is just around the corner and what better way to show dad you care than getting him a relaxing and healthful massage! Come down to Body N Balance Healing to help treat dad to stress reduction, pain relief, lowered blood pressure, and an improved immune system.

Most people think of a massage or spa treatment as being a girly thing. But more and more men are indulging in massages not because of their feel-good reasons, but also because it is beneficial to their health and well-being. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, only 29% of men reported seeing a massage therapist in the last 5 years. So what’s with the remaining 71%? Here we have listed some common questions and concerns that men have that may keep them from receiving the benefits of a massage:

– Do I have to undress and will the therapist be there when I do? Nudity is a big concern amongst people new to the massage scene. You should always undress to your level of comfort. When you disrobe (totally or partially), you will discretely draped under a sheet, with only the parts of the body being worked on exposed at a time.
– What if I am self-conscious about certain parts or aspects of my body? All people (not just women0 are concerned about certain areas of their body. Some men are concerned with scars, excess body hair, being overweight, etc. However massage therapists like all other healthcare providers are used to seeing all shapes and sizes of people. At Body N Balance Healing we do not judge. We are concerned with your wellbeing and comfort. If there is an area you would like to avoid, we will respect your wishes.
– Do I have to or should I talk during a massage? If you want to talk, go ahead but it isn’t necessary or weird if you don’t. Your massage is your time to relax and recuperate, so whatever you feel comfortable with is ok with us!
– What if I don’t want another man giving me a massage? This is very common. At Body N Balance Marsha is obviously female, so no need to worry about that!


facial treatments


At Body N Balance Healing located in Wantagh, Long Island we offer a variety of services. For all the men in your life who are nervous about receiving a massage, it’s time that you help them along!

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Body N Balance Healing Stone Massage

By bodyNBalance,

Body N Balance Healing Stone Massage, hot stone massage, wantagh, long island

Body N Balance Healing Stone Massage


At Body N Balance healing located in Wantagh, Long Island we offer a wide range of body treatments. One unique treatment is a hot stone massage. It is a specialty treatment where we use smooth,

Body N Balance Healing Stone Massage

Body N Balance Healing Stone Massage

heated stones are used to heat and relax muscles so the massage can work more deeply. The stones are used either as an extension of the therapist’s hands or are placed on the body to radiate heat while other parts of the body are worked.


Hot stones were warmed by fire by Native Americans in order to treat aching muscles. The modern revival of the traditional hot stone massage hasproven to be supremely effective! The heat from the hot stones penetrate the muscles in order to assist with blood flow. This helps heal muscle tension and soreness in your body.


At Body N Balance Healing, whatever treatment you receive you are guaranteed to leave feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready to face the rest of the day! Owner and licensed massage therapist Marsha Eisen is dedicated to providing you with a calming atmosphere that promotes healing and general well-being. Whether you are in need of a hot stone massage, Reiki treatment, or facial, Body N Balance is here to help!

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Good Scents: Aromatherapy On Long Island

By bodyNBalance,

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils that are extracted from plants. The oils are extracted from various plants and then distilled to be inhaled or applied to the skin. At Body N Balance Healing we offer several aromatherapy treatments that are meant to soothe the mind body and spirit. Aromatherapy is thought to work by sending messages from the smell receptors through the nervous system to the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls emotions. When you relax the mind with aromatherapy, a massage can be made more effective. Essential oils can help manage anxiety, improve sleep, ease headaches and ease nausea.


aromatherapy massage long island

Wantagh Long Island Massage

Essential oils that are applied to the skin can soothe, smooth, and enhance the complexion of the skin. When receiving an aromatherapy body wrap, your body will sweat out toxins and absorb the soothing properties of the oils. Certain essential oils have anti bacterial properties that help heal skin disorders and prevent acne break outs.


When you venture into Body N Balance Healing in Wantagh Long Island, you will be able to receive an aromatherapy treatment that is specific to your needs. We are dedicated to having you leave our spa feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face the day stress free!

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Make A Massage Appointment

By bodyNBalance,

Body N Balance Healing is located in Wantagh Long Island. The spa offers many treatments such as facials, body wraps, body scrubs, and Reiki treatments. The most popular is the massage. We offer sports massages, deep tissue massages, and swedish massages. A massage is popular not only because it feels fantastic, but because there are many heath benefits to receiving a treatment.


1. Manage Depression and Anxiety: Massages are relaxing and can soothe anxieties and symptoms of depression. A massage is known to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which will lift your spirits and lower blood pressure.


2. Ease Aches and Pain: says that 8 out of 10 Americans will at some point suffer from debilitating back pain. People who receive massage therapy are more likely to feel and function better than people who do not. Getting a massage will decrease stiffness and increase your range of motion.


3. Improve Sleep: Receiving massages is known to promote healthy sleep.


4. Boost Your Immune System: A treatment is known to improve your immune system by increasing white blood cells and decreasing the diseases brought on by stress.


5. Ease PMS: Massages can ease the symptoms of PMS such as bloating and mood swings.


6. Raise Alertness: It’s simple, when you are relaxed and relieved of stress, you are more likely to be present in your daily activities.


7. Relieve Headaches: We all know how debilitating a migraine or headache can be. It is possible that these come about because of tension in the neck and shoulders.


8. Healthy Skin: Massages increase blood flow which is excellent for plumping up slack skin and promoting healthy complexion.

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Skin Wellness Tips From Body N Balance

By bodyNBalance,

With the changing seasons, the way we care for our hair, skin, and nails should also change. In the warm weather skin can get more oily. Going in pools and the ocean can dry our hair and weaken our nails. At Body N Balance we use botanical all natural products that have no abrasive products. These products provide skin wellness and assist with anti-aging. Through massage, facials, body scrubs and other treatments at our Long Island spa, we can rejuvenate and revitalize all the parts of your body affected by the harshness of the summer and the sun.

skin wellnes

In all of recorded history we see that natural oils have been used to aide in nourishment of the skin, nails and hair. They also are known to soothe, smooth, and enhance all skin types. Here are some recommended oils that can be used alone or added into your favorite shampoos, conditioners, and body creams:
–  Argan Oil: This is a restorative, anti-aging serum that is a natural antioxidant. Provides hair, skin, and nail wellness.

–  Macadamia Nut Oil: Helps provide a UV barrier protection from excessive heat and sun. Great for the skin and hair.

–  Coconut Oil: Is known to tone and tighten skin and nourish hair. It is easily absorbed by the body and strengthens the skin’s connective tissue. It also strengthens hair.

–  Sweet Almond Oil: Has anti-aging properties and is known to promote hair growth by stimulating the scalp.

–  Jojoba Oil: This oil has skin-softening properties and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. Add it to your moisturizer or use alone.

–  Grapeseed Oil: Non-greasy antioxidant that eliminates free radicals and enhances collagen. Good for the scalp and nails as well.


Come into our Wantagh Long Island spa and receive a refreshing a rejuvenating spa treatment! You will leave, refreshed, relaxed, and ready to face the summer heat and sun.

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Summertime Healing Massage At Body N Balance

By bodyNBalance,

Summertime Healing Massage At Body N Balance. Summertime for most people means getting out and about as often as possible. We go out with friends and family to explore nature, clean-up the yard and garden, and playing sport with the kids. All of this activity can lead to muscle strains and pains. This especially is true after a long New York winter where our bodies have not been used to all the physical activity. If you find yourself with soreness after a weekend of fun in the sun, it may be time to stop into our Wantagh Body N Balance Healing spa. We offer a wide range of massage services to help you wash away the tensions and toxins that you have been storing up all winter. Our Sports Massage is also great for soothing the pains of your increased physical activities.


The elements making up our bodies are connected down to the smallest cells. Our bones, muscles, nerves and organs all work together and affect one another. It is so important to address pains right away because that foot pain that causes a little limp could eventually turn into uneven hips. Uneven hips cause lower and upper back pain, which misaligns the spine leading to long island spapinched nerves. That pinched nerve in your neck causes a blaring migraine and before you know it, your summer Saturday is spent on the couch. Problems like this happen all the time but usually without us consciously understanding what is happening in our bodies. At Body N Balance we are here to help you heal the body and mind to ensure you have a happy and successful summer!


Massage therapy has been around since before recorded history. People throughout history have recognized the healing benefits of a massage. Somewhere  in our history the idea of a “spa treatment” became something for the rich or elite as a privilege. This couldn’t be more wrong. Although massages do feel amazing, it is important to understand how many health benefits come along with a massage. It improves circulation, relieves stress, speeds up the healing of injuries, and so much more.  Come to our Long Island location and leave feeling ready to take on the summer!

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Spa Treatment Long Island

By bodyNBalance,

At Body N Balance Healing our goal is for you to feel relaxed, recharged and refreshed when you leave our spa. We are here to offer you with choices for a spa treatment on Long Island. We are here to provide a calming atmosphere in which you can work to heal yourself. Our goal is to help guide and assist you in this healing process of your body and mind from the inside out.


Healing is a process and it is one we are grateful to be able to participate in at Body N Balance. We have a wide range of service we offer. Not only do we do massage therapy, we also offer Reiki and energy balance which helps assist in the process of healing your emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. When you allow yourself to let go and let the energy of the universe to work through you, the transformation is amazing.


We also offer a wide range of body treatments and facials for your face and back. If you want to feel relaxed and refreshed try one of our body wraps or body scrubs. All of the products we use are all natural and organic. We use absolutely no chemicals in any of our products. During one of our spa treatments we rejuvenate and detoxify the skin which leaves it feeling exfoliated, clean, clear and softer than ever.  Come on down and take a break from the daily stresses of life and treat yourself to some relaxation.




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Some Helpful Tips For Clear Skin

By bodyNBalance,

Everyone experiences a blemish no and then but there people who are plagued with acne. Things like pimples, blackheads, and cysts. It is important to maintain a good skin care regimen in order to control acne and stop the spread of bacteria and infection. At Body N Balance healing, owner Marsha Eisen is available to assist you with a facial as well as some helpful tips for clear skin. If you have trouble areas on your skin or have recurring troublesome acne on your face or body, come to Body N Balance and let us help heal your skin!


Some helpful tips for clear skin:

-Change your pillow case often. The oils and debris from your skin or hair will trap in the fibers of your pillowcase. If your skin is sensitive, this can result in clogged pores and infection.


-Always scrub your hands and fingernails with antibacterial soap. Bacteria can hide on your hands and nails. If you touch your face for any reason, you will transfer the bacteria.


-Do not let telephones touch your face. Your smart phone is everywhere and loaded with bacteria. Stay hands free and limit the possibility of spreading more bacteria to your skin.


-Reduce your salt intake. Most people only think of sugar, but excess salt in your diet can also start a flare up.


-Hydration is extremely important to your skin health. Keep hydrated with water to offset the caffeine or alcohol intake.



facial treatments

At BNB we offer various skin care treatments to help with your face and back breakouts. From the occasional pimple to the chronic sufferer, we can help! Visit our spa in Wantagh, Long Island for some relaxation sure to cure your skin from the inside out!

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Reiki Healing On Long Island

By bodyNBalance,

If you have never received a Reiki treatment or are new to the benefits of Reiki healing, you should know of the many benefits it can bring you. In order to improve and maintain your overall health, Reiki’s greatest benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. it is a simple healing system that works with the Higher Self of the receiver. It is a noninvasive procedure and helps to promote the health of the physical, emotional and physic body.


If you live near Wantagh on Long Island, Body N Balance can help you heal yourself from the inside out, through body and mind. The benefits of Reiki and massage therapy offered at Body N Balance are endless. Reiki is known to reduces blood pressure, it helps aid in better sleep, it can accelerate your self healing abilities, and help relax you.
reiki healing
Starting with relaxation, the healing process can continue in the body and mind. Reiki will help to relax you so that the healing process can begin. You are able to heal only when you are relaxed and stress free. If you are recovering from an illness Reiki also helps provide you with energy that may be needed. Our goal at Body N Balance is to help your healing process, through body and mind. Of course even one session can provide you with many benefits but the more frequent you receive Reiki treatments the more beneficial they will be to your health.


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